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The TM30 is commonly known as a Notification form for House-Master, Owner, or the Possessor of the Residence where the foreigner has been staying. All residences in Thailand have this booklet and are dark blue.

Any foreigner living in a rented apartment or house should have a copy of the Thai ID card, a copy of the owner’s House Registration called a Tabian Baan, and the rental agreement copy. In case the owner doesn’t file TM30 at the nearest Immigration, you can do this on behalf of the actual owner to avoid any consequences in the future.

When TM30 form is lodged, Immigration will stamp returned slip (a receipt of TM30), then the Tenant (Foreigner) needs to keep it along with the passport as an Officer will require it at the 90-day reporting and at the time of Extension of your Stay. This is usually done on the spot when lodging the documents at your local immigration office.

What you need to do:

If you plan to stay at a hotel, don’t worry; the hotel’s staff will look after this for you. It would be best to ask the reception whether they are reporting to the immigration office and whether they have registered you as their paying guests at their residence.

If you rent a condo or house from a housing agent, they often do this step on your behalf, but again, each agent and their rules differ. That’s why it’s best to always check with them beforehand. You should also request a signed copy of the house owner’s ID and house registration book along with your rental agreement, and we recommend always having spare

copies on these documents. It will allow you to complete your TM30 if you later travel outside the country and return to the property during your tenancy period or need this documentation for a residency certificate.

If you are staying with a spouse, partner, relative, or a Thai friend who owns property there, this process becomes more manageable as they will have most of this documentation. If they are renting the property and have a tenancy agreement, they will also need their landlord’s ID and house registration.

If you have your property in your or your company’s name, then the copies of your passport and your house registration documents should be sufficient to complete the process of TM30.

Suppose, by any chance, you have got a yellow house registration in the property you are currently residing on or a property that you have booked in your name. In that case, it shall come in handy as you can put this up with the relevant copies of your passport for the registration of TM30.

For those foreign residents who randomly travel in and out of the Kingdom, TM30 can prove to be a pretty timeconsuming and tedious process. We can still assist you with the reports of TM30 at Chiang Mai Visa Shop as this is just another essential service we are providing to our customers. 

Q.1 What happens if I forget to report? 

A. The fine for forgetting and not reporting the form of TM30 is solely dependent on the discretion of the attending officer. The fine, however, is not more than 2000 THB.

Q.2 Is extending the Visa a possibility if I am not up-to-date with TM30?

A. No, an extension may not be possible without an updated TM30 form filled.

Q.3 Is reporting every time necessary as I leave and then re-enter on a re-entry permit? 

A. Well, yes. You are required to report within 24 hours of your returning to the Kingdom. 

Following are some of the documents you require for TM30 reporting:

  • TM30 reporting form
  • Landlord’s signed house registration copy

  • Landlord’s signed ID cards copy

  • Rental agreement’s copy

  • House registration copy if there has been a change in property ownership

  • Arrival card’s copy

  • Visa stamp

  • The passport page that has your photo’s copy

  • And your passport.

 Contact Us if you need our services for the TM30 reporting. 

TM30 Form Download Link

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