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Transfer of Vehicle Title:

When you purchase a car or bike in Thailand, you have to transfer the vehicle ownership to your name, commonly known as a vehicle transfer.
The government office of the Land Transport Office completes the title transfer.
There are two different offices in the Chaing Mai city area:
⦁ The first office is located on Lamphun Road, just ahead of the big bridge near the Holiday Inn. It is the office that deals with motorcycles.

⦁ The second office is located on Hang Dong Road near the airport if you visit the south of the city center. In this office, you can transfer the vehicle title. The vehicle license testing also takes place here. Valid documentation is required for all vehicle transfer inspections.

⦁ Below mentioned is the process for a motorcycle:

⦁ The Green Book (which has to be signed by the seller)
⦁ The Vehicle
⦁ Passport of the buyer (if a foreign buyer)
⦁ Copies signed on the visa page and passport page
⦁ Proof of residence (Certificate of Residency)
⦁ The sale receipt, signed by the seller.
⦁ For the Thai Citizen seller, national ID card and signed copy
⦁ The transfer form in the Thai language from the Land Transport Office
⦁ For the foreigner sellers, the signed copy of the passport and visa information page and a Certificate of Residency.

You will need to take the vehicle to the Transport Office because it has to be physically checked. Provide all the documents to the officer at the information desk; they will confirm whether your documentation is correct.
Then, they will be directed to the inspection zone, where the inspector is required to examine your vehicle. Afterward, you will be re-directed to the small room adjacent to the office of the transport room where they sell insurance. Here, you can purchase the required insurance policy.
After paying the insurance, you will return to the main office and present your documentation again for processing. They will either provide you with a queue number or ask you to return on another day to receive the updated vehicle book.
When you receive the owner’s book, you have to pay a tax of about 200 baht for the processing fee.

In Thailand, Motorcycle insurance and taxes are inexpensive

You must be aware of the expiration date on the tax stamp of your vehicle (it’s visible on a pink sticker). You must return to the transport office annually to pay the insurance and annual taxes before the expiration date.
At the Chiang Mai Visa Shop, we can arrange this process for you. So please contact us if you are looking for further assistance.


Vehicle Tax Renewal


Yellow Book


Pink Id Card